Magento Plugin
  • 09 Feb 2023
  • Dark

Magento Plugin

  • Dark

Article summary

Zenkipay for Magento allows merchants to accept payments in their store with different cryptocurrencies through multiple wallets.

Business requirements

Before you start configuring your plugin, you need to read the Plugin Integration Guide so that you have the data you need for your integration.

Technical requirements

It is necessary that the server where your Magento store is hosted has the following characteristics:

  • PHP 7.4 or higher (depends on Magento version)
  • MySQL 8.0
  • Apache 2.4 or Nginx with module mod_rewrite enabled
  • PHP cURL extension installed
  • HTTPS support
  • Magento 2.4.1 or higher
  • Composer 2.2 or higher

IMPORTANT: It's essential that the store is exposed to the Internet, it's necessary for the synchronization and payment notification process. If you are working in a local development environment, we suggest using the ngrok tool.


  1. From the command terminal go to the root of the project and run the following commands to install the dependency:
composer require zenki/zenkipay-magento
bin/magento module:enable Zenki_Zenkipay --clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:clean


  1. Once the Zenkipay module has been installed and enabled in the store, from the administration panel you must go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.

  1. The configuration of the plugin consists of a series of fields that must be captured for its correct operation:
  • Enabled: Enable Zenkipay as a payment method for Magento.
  • Test mode: It indicates that you will be working with test transactions, which will allow you to make purchases through the Testnet.
  • Sync code: Code that is obtained during the integration process from the Zenki dashboard, this code is used to synchronize your account and have the necessary permissions to be able to transact.
  • Payment from accepted countries: Indicates whether the plugin will be available as a payment method for all countries or only some.
  • Payment from specific countries: It allows you to select the countries on which you want to have Zenkipay available as a payment method.
  • Type of order: Indicate the order in which we want Zenkipay to be displayed in the list of payment methods that the customer will see.

Once the data has been captured, click on the "Save Config" button, once this is done, a notification will be displayed indicating the configuration has been saved.

NOTE: If the sync code is incorrect or has expired, an error message will be displayed.


The webhook of the plugin will allow that once the payment is made by a customer, Zenkipay confirms to the store that the payment was completed successfully and will change the status of the purchase order that is initially found as "Pending" to "Processing".

The webhook URL will be set to automatic during the sync process.

Productive Configuration

Uncheck the "Enable test mode" checkbox and you're all set to start selling.

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