Quick start integration guide
  • 21 Jun 2023
  • Dark

Quick start integration guide

  • Dark

Article summary

Integrate commerce with Zenkipay

Once you have creado tu cuenta, you must integrate the Zenkipay payment method in your merchant, to do so follow the following steps:

  1. Enter the merchant portal from the Zenki homepage and select the option Integration with Plugins or API.
  2. Scan your site and select the best option for your integration:

Technical Staff

During this flow you can register the staff of your technical team to perform the specific tasks of your integration. More information

Integration via E-commerce plugins

This is the simplest option to integrate a business, the process to integrate an e-commerce platform is as follows:

  1. Install the Zenkipay plugin from the Marketplace of your e-commerce platform.
  2. Access the plugin settings and paste the information of the credentials that were provided to you during registration.
  3. You can optionally request credentials for testing.

Zenkipay offers plugins for the following e-commerce platforms: WooComerce, Magento and Prestashop. 

Zenkipay REST API integration

If your business is not on an e-commerce platform or we do not yet have a plugin for your e-commerce platform, you must integrate your e-commerce portal using the Zenkipay Rest API

High-level, these are the steps you will need to follow to perform this integration:

  1. Add the payment button with Zenkipay on your checkout page.
  2. If the customer pays with Zenkipay , notifies your backend to register your order details.
  3. Modify the backend to authenticate your Rest API client and get a JWT Token to call ZenkipayAPI services.
    1. Use the credentials provided during the registration process (client_id and client_secret).
  4. Once you have obtained the JWT token, you must use the service to create the order in Zenkipay.
  5. Use the response data from order creation to lift the payment modal.
  6. Executes the Javascript event that opens the payment modal.
    • For your convenience, we have developed plugins for some front end technologies:
  7. The customer continues with the payment flow in the Zenkipay modal window.
  8. To check the status of the customer's payment. You can set up a webhook to receive the payment notification of the order (you must expose a public REST service to receive these notifications) or implement the order status query in your backend using the Zenkipay API services.
Check out our Integration with Zenkipay API page for a detailed integration process.  


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