  • 20 Jun 2023
  • Dark


  • Dark

Article Summary


The dashboard shows you a quick view of your business balances and relevant sales information. This is displayed once you have integrated Zenkipay with your business. Finally, depending on the mode of operation of your business, the information will be displayed on the dashboard.

To see the global metrics of your business you must click on Dashboard, remember that you can see the detail by clicking on the indicator in the panel or in the corresponding option in the side menu.

Dashboard - FIAT mode

In this dashbaord you will find the following information:

  • Available balance: This is the balance you have available for immediate withdrawal. 
  • Escrow balance: This is the balance that as a merchant you have collected, but is not yet available for withdrawal.
  • Total transactions: This shows the total number of transactions made.
  • Open disputes: Disputes initiated by the shopper about the product or service received does not meet the satisfaction criteria.
  • Pending shipments: Number of transactions requiring the registration of a courier waybill, which has not been registered.
  • Payment links: Number of payment links created.

Dashboard - Crypto mode

Similar to the FIAT mode panel, in this dashboard you will find the following information:

  • Available balance: This is the balance you have available for immediate withdrawal. 
  • Escrow balance: This is the balance that as a merchant you have collected, but is not yet available for withdrawal.
  • Total transactions: This shows the total number of transactions made.
  • Open disputes: Disputes initiated by the shopper about the product or service received does not meet the satisfaction criteria.
  • Pending shipments: Number of transactions requiring the registration of a courier waybill, which has not been registered.
  • Payment links: Number of payment links created.
  • Crypto balance detail: You will find 2 charts of the different types of balances with the distribution of cryptocurrencies.

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