How do I check payments made from the POS?
  • 12 Jun 2023
  • Dark

How do I check payments made from the POS?

  • Dark

Article Summary

To consult the payments from the POS, follow these steps:

1.- Open the app and look for the top left icon. Click on it to display the options menu.

2.- Select the option called "Transactions".

3.- When you access this option, a list of all payments made from the POS will be displayed. Each payment will be identified by the buyer, the amount and the date it was made. If you wish to obtain more details about a particular payment, simply select one of them.

You can also perform specific searches using the filter option. When you select it, a menu with the following options will be displayed: "All", "Today", "Yesterday", "Last 7 days", "Last 30 days", "This month" and "Custom range". Choose the option that suits you best and click on it.

4.- Once you have selected a payment, you will be able to access additional information. For example:

  • Order: Order identifier
  • Payment identifier: a unique code that identifies the transaction in the blockchain and is used to verify that the transaction was successful.
  • Shopper: customer's email or phone number.
  • Date: refers to the day the purchase was made.
  • Transaction summary, which provides detailed information about the charges made by the merchant, including any taxes, discounts or additional charges.
  • Finally, the order total tells you the total amount spent on the purchase, including all charges and discounts applied. 


With these steps, you are now familiar with the procedure to check payments from a POS!

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