How do I update the Crypto Love configuration?
  • 20 Jun 2023
  • Dark

How do I update the Crypto Love configuration?

  • Dark

Article summary

Crypto Love

Crypto Love is a direct discount that you can offer to your shoppers to encourage the sales and use of cryptocurrencies, it can range from 0% to 5%. This will be displayed at the time of payment with Zenkipay.

Set up Crypto Love

The discount selected by default is 1.5%, you can change this percentage by following the steps below:

  1.  Select the Configuration > Summary integration option from the menu. The screen where you can see the Share Crypto Love section will be displayed.
  2.  Select the desired percentage by moving the bar, you can select between 0% and 5%.
  3.  Once you have chosen the desired percentage, click on the Apply button.

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