What is the shopper portal?
  • 10 Feb 2023
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What is the shopper portal?

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Article Summary

What is the shopper portal?

It is a portal offered to shoppers who make their purchases through e-commerce merchants that have integration with Zenkipay.

By login in the portal, shoppers will have access to:

  • List of all their purchases.
  • Detail of each purchase.
  • Create disputes for non-conformities of the product received.

How Zenki help me to protect my purchase?

In Zenkipay the Shopper satisfaction matters, with Zenki Trade Assurance Center we protect the Product Quality, OneTime Shipment and Payment with our Digital ESCROW.

We describe simple steps to accomplish a Digital ESCROW and provide the best experience to your Shoppers.

What is a Digital ESCROW?

Escrow refers to a mechanism by which two or more parties carry out agreement-based transactions. The method is a popular one owing to the high level of security and transparency it offers. ZTAC offers this mechanism to Shopper and Merchant like third party that facilitates the Payment transactions with Zenkipay.

Learn more about Digital Escrow in Zenkipay

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